Did you know that an entrepreneur that closed a round last week with FounderCatalyst, recently met Rishi Sunak, encouraging him to adopt more sustainable policies?
Well, Charlotte Morley's story doesn't start there.
When sorting through her children's clothes three years ago, she realised she wanted them worn again without having time to resell them on clunky sites.
So, she founded thelittleloop, which allows people to buy, sell, and swap children's clothes aged 1 - 12 years whenever they want.
It saves parents time and energy by giving them "access to over 15,000 pieces curated from the best, ethical, wear-and-tearable brands". Via thelittleloop membership, parents can choose what they love, keep them as long as they look, and then swap for something new!
Along the way, Charlotte pitched to the Dragons' Den and gained investment from Steven Bartlett and Deborah Meaden. Charlotte's pitch clip is here.
She also benefited from completing a funding round by signing up the FounderCatalyst, which created all the paperwork needed for these investments. In addition, our team guided Charlotte through some interesting pressures to close on time.
Charlotte said, "The FounderCatalyst platform streamlined our fundraising process, and the team helped us navigate a number of complexities to complete our funding round swiftly. We are now using the amazing ‘agile’ funding feature to top up the previous round over the next few months as and when".
And Charlotte's success continues!
That brings us on a little loop back to the Rishi Sunak meeting. On Monday, Charlotte met with Rishi. She promoted the circular economy and celebrated the forward-thinking brands already adopting this new path to the future. She said that he seemed to like it!
We're proud of you, Charlotte and look forward to seeing your continuing success with thelittleloop.
Happy Female Founders Friday!
Thanks to Charlotte Morley for participating in Female Founders Friday, and we'll be on hand to guide her if needs be throughout further fundraising processes.
To further discover how we can guide you to complete a funding round, book an intro call here.
And browse thelittleloop here.
You can start a funding round in minutes with a free FounderCatalyst account, experiment with our service and see how easy it would be to save time, money, and emotional resources by using FounderCatalyst when raising your next funding round.
You can see a sample of the paperwork we'd generate, invite colleagues to act as investors, and truly experiment with how easy we make it. Then cancel the experiment round when you're ready to start a real one!
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