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Help on your funding journey

FounderCatalyst Knowledge Base

An Agile round enables you to use the money you raise as it comes in, as opposed to waiting to get all of your investors lined up at one point. This way, you can keep raising funds even after the round has closed, without the hassle of excessive paperwork. This approach, known as a ‘rolling close’, is a flexible fundraising structure that isn't constrained by a fixed amount, enabling continuous investments. Following the initial investment closing, new investors can join the same round under the same terms, typically within a 6-month period, though this timeframe is flexible....

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This article includes:...

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If you encounter an error, it means your current sign-in password is incorrect. You can use this link to the forgot password page to reset it....

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Welcome to your comprehensive guide for managing your account and company details. This Knowledge Base will walk you through various tasks, from resetting your password to updating company and personal information....

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If you're not receiving automatic emails or responses to your support tickets, follow these steps:...

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The article includes:...

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Click Here to access the amazing template pitch deck model that Inverse Funding have shared for free....

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You can start a funding round in minutes with a free FounderCatalyst account, experiment with our service and see how easy it would be to save time, money, and emotional resources by using FounderCatalyst when raising your next funding round.

You can see a sample of the paperwork we'd generate, invite colleagues to act as investors, and truly experiment with how easy we make it. Then cancel the experiment round when you're ready to start a real one!

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