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Female Founder Friday: Lauren Louise Hazel: A Conversation with Lauren, Founder

Written by
Gideon Stott
Last updated
16th January 2025

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Lauren is the inspirational founder of Lauren Louise Hazel, a publishing company dedicated to bringing engaging and imaginative stories to readers. With a background in cybersecurity and a passion for writing fantasy novels, Lauren has successfully balanced her day job with her entrepreneurial pursuits.

We’re excited to feature Lauren in our Female Founder Friday campaign, highlighting her journey and the impact her business is making. I, Gideon, Head of Marketing at FounderCatalyst, had the pleasure of speaking with her about her experiences, challenges, and vision for the future.

FC: Could you summarise your professional background, please?

Lauren: "Certainly! I have a dual career. My day job is as a cybersecurity manager for Genes, which I fell into about ten years ago quite by accident. It’s a fascinating field, but writing has always been my passion. I started my publishing business about four years ago when I published my first book. I've been using my salary from my full-time job to fund my writing and publishing endeavours."

FC: That’s remarkable! You have a career in cybersecurity while pursuing your passion for writing fantasy novels. How did you get into writing, and has it always been a passion of yours?

Lauren: "I initially approached writing as a hobby. About ten years ago, I started my first book while I was off work due to an operation. It took me about seven years to finish that book because I was working on it sporadically. Once I realised I could actually complete a book, my productivity increased dramatically, and I started publishing books much faster after that."

FC: Seven years is quite a long time to work on a single project. How long does it take you now to turn around a book from beginning to end?

Lauren: "Currently, it takes me about twelve months to complete a book, from the initial writing to the final edits and everything in between. The process has definitely become more streamlined over the years."

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FC: Did you face any fundraising challenges when setting up your publishing business?

Lauren: "In the beginning, I was funding everything casually, just paying for editing, illustrations, and other costs as I could afford it. Once I formalised my business, I realised I needed to operate on a tighter timeline. I reached out to someone I knew for investment, which led me to FounderCatalyst and the support they provide."

FC: How has FounderCatalyst helped you on your journey?

Lauren: "Thanks to the support from FounderCatalyst, I've been able to publish my books much quicker than if I had continued funding them the way I was before. The investment allowed me to pay for necessary services like editing and cover design upfront, which has been instrumental in speeding up my publishing process."

FC: Are your books published through a traditional publishing house, or are they self-published?

Lauren: "I self-publish, which means I cover the costs upfront, but it also allows me to keep a larger share of the royalties. With self-publishing, I have complete creative control over my work, which I really value."

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FC: Balancing two careers must be challenging. What would you say is the secret to managing both your day job and your publishing business?

Lauren: "I enjoy the diversity of working in two completely different fields. Cybersecurity is very technical, while my writing is much more creative. I like learning new things, and I've gained a lot of skills through my publishing journey, including marketing and finance. I often write before work and in the evenings, and I try to stay organised to make the most of my time."

FC: What has been the worst and the best part of starting your business?

Lauren: "The best part is having complete control over my creative output. I can choose everything from the covers to the editing style, which is fulfilling. The worst part has been the challenge of editing my latest book, Queen of the Underworld, while recovering from a neck injury. It was frustrating to see my progress slow down, but I eventually completed it, and I’m proud of that accomplishment."

FC: Have you faced any significant lows or moments where you thought about giving up?

Lauren: "There were definitely tough moments, particularly when dealing with my injury. It was disheartening not to be able to write as efficiently as I wanted, but I never doubted my commitment to continue. I was determined to finish my book, and I found the strength to push through the difficult times."

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FC: Do you have any exciting projects or upcoming books that readers can look forward to?

Lauren: "I’m currently working on a new series called The Book of Wands, inspired by tarot decks. Each card in the deck will correspond to a character in the series. I’m about 40,000 words in, and I’m excited about where the story is heading."

FC: Do you have a specific writing routine or practice that helps you get into the flow of creativity?

Lauren: "I find that having a dedicated workspace helps me focus. I usually get up early to write before my day job and then squeeze in more writing in the evenings. Once I sit down to write, I don’t usually experience writer’s block; it’s just a matter of overcoming procrastination."

FC: Have you ever had the dreaded writer's block?

Lauren: "Not really. I sometimes struggle to sit down and start writing, but once I’m engaged, I don’t find myself lacking ideas. It’s about pushing past that initial hurdle."

FC: How have your books been selling? Are you looking to establish contracts with bookstores?

Lauren: "Currently, I’m primarily using Amazon for sales, which allows me to focus on building my readership. My goal is to create a solid catalog of books, as having more titles increases visibility and encourages readers to explore my work."

FC: What advice would you give to young women or aspiring entrepreneurs thinking of following your path?

Lauren: "Make sure you enter this journey for the right reasons. There will be ups and downs, so it's crucial to believe in what you're doing. Be open to learning and find a support network to help you navigate the challenges."

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FC: Have you encountered any hurdles related to your gender as a female entrepreneur?

Lauren: "While I haven’t faced significant hurdles in my publishing journey, I work in a male-dominated field in cybersecurity, where I’ve encountered challenges in being taken seriously. It took time to build respect and establish my authority, but perseverance and competency have helped me overcome those barriers."


Lauren Louise Hazel is making significant strides in the world of publishing with her namesake company, demonstrating the importance of creativity and resilience. Her commitment to storytelling, combined with her professional expertise, is paving the way for a successful future. As she continues to expand her writing portfolio and inspire others, Lauren exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship.

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