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FounderCatalyst is a finalist at the UKBAA Angel Investment Awards 2023

Written by
Sam Simpson
Last updated
14th June 2023

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We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been selected as a finalist of the Best Legal Team for Early Stage Deals award at the UKBAA Angel Investment Awards 2023! The Award, recognises the legal firm that is making a significant impact on the ecosystem during the past year, both through actively supporting angel and early stage investment deals and bringing real added value to the investment process.

The awards, to be held on the 6th of July 2023 at the Science Museum, London UK, will celebrate the success and determination of the angel and early-stage investment community.

Find out more about the Awards and see the other finalists here: awards.ukbaa.org.uk.

Side note:

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In 2018, my first full year of angel investing, I nominated the amazing Skin Analytics for the award "Best Investment in Artificial Intelligence by the UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA)", which they won. That was such a great event - and I'm sure this years will have even more glitz and glamour - if you haven't yet got tickets, they are still available.

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