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Knowledge Base: Changing Account/Company Details incl. password reset

Last updated
15th October 2024

How to Change Personal and Company Details

Welcome to your comprehensive guide for managing your account and company details. This Knowledge Base will walk you through various tasks, from resetting your password to updating company and personal information.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and update your information on FounderCatalyst. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please raise a ticket.

Please note: if an Investor or Shareholder who has been invited to the platform requests changes to their details, they will need to follow these instructions and make the changes themselves.

This article contain a number of sections, you can jump to the section you need here:

You can also watch the video guide:

Changes in Company Dashboard → People

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To Change Founder Details:

Changes in Company Dashboard → Company

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To change the company name:

Ensure the changes match what is recorded in Companies House.

To change the company registered address:

To change bank account details:

Note: Changing the bank details will involve altering the documents. To amend this now, you must cancel the signing process, then change the bank details before resigning.

Changes in Company Dashboard → Cap Table

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Important Note: You can only make changes to details prior to inviting, if the Shareholder has been invited to the platform, they will have to make changes to their own details.

To change shareholder name:

To change shareholder email address:

Changes in My Account Settings → Address

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To change founder name:

To change founder email address:

To change founder address:

To add a National Insurance Number:

Changes in My Account Settings → Signature

To change signature:

Changes in My Account Settings → Security

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If you need to change your password, follow these steps:

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