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Knowledge Base: Financial Forecast models

Last updated
24th September 2024

This article includes:

What is a Forecast model?

A forecasting model is a tool that businesses use to predict outcomes for things like sales, supply and demand, and consumer behaviour. The models can be especially useful in sales and marketing and can help businesses identify how they might perform in different future situations.

Why do you need a Forecast?

It is an essential part of your investor toolkit alongside your Pitch Deck. While the Pitch deck is your vision for growth, the direction you see for your business and why you need your business to deliver; the Forecast is what brings that vision to life in facts and numbers – using metrics and evidential numbers from past activity it will show what your business could look like in the future.

What investors expect to see in a Financial Forecast

Key metrics investors look for

Also take into consideration the Marketing Coefficient – existing customers that introduce other customers to your business.

What HMRC are looking for when submitting an Advance Assurance application

The forecast models that get through the HMRC screening process quickly are based on a very standard format that shows your Revenue, Cost of Sale, Overheads, Incoming Investment and the Cashflow.

It is recommended that if you have your own model which layers on different unit economics, scaling and perhaps additional products, these should be put onto a separate tab and then link this into a summary tab that produces the standard P&L format which HMRC will expect.

Be careful when showing your costs - both direct cost of sale and overheads - you need to show how the raised funds are going to be used and HMRC will expect to see multiple areas; i.e. internally to recruit staff, pay for marketing, development using in-house capability, using an external provider for services, etc. If the majority of your funds are going to an external service provider this will be queried by HMRC.

Above all, keep it simple. HMRC will challenge your application if you overcomplicate your forecast model with an excessive number of tabs.

Further resources

Our free 'minimum viable forecast model'

This is simple and easy to tailor to your business. Even better, we've never had queries from HMRC on this during the advance assurance process.

30 mins webinar recording on “Forecast Models Demystified: Insights for Entrepreneurs”

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