This guide outlines the steps needed to correct mistakes in different filings, including incorporation certificates, SH01 and SH02 forms, and confirmation statements. Additionally, we will explain how to use the RP04 form to make corrections where applicable. Jump to the needed section here:
If you incorporated your company with the correct shareholders but incorrect share numbers between them, you can correct this by filing a confirmation statement dated at your date of incorporation with the correct shareholding numbers.
To correct an SH01 (Return of Allotment of Shares) or a Confirmation Statement (CS01), you need to file an RP04 form. Jump to How to correct a filing mistake on Companies House with an RP04 form? for detailed steps on how to file.
To correct an SH02 (Return of Purchase of Own Shares or Reduction of Share Capital), you need to submit:
A corrected SH02 form
A written resolution
An accompanying cover letter explaining the correction
If you find a mistake in one of the filings listed below and it has already been uploaded to the Companies House register, you can fix it with an RP04 form. You can file your RP04 if you're registered for the Companies House Web Filing Service, but if you're not, follow the steps outlined in the section Steps for filing an RP04 form.
You cannot send a corrected document without an RP04
You need to submit both the corrected filing and the RP04 form by post or online
The RP04 form can be used to correct mistakes in the following documents:
If the filing that you are trying to correct is not one of those listed, it would be best to reach out to Companies House directly for support.
You can Download the RP04 Form here
1. Fill Out Your Company Details
2. Indicate the Form You Are Re-Submitting
Clearly state which form is being corrected.
Use the date of registration from your company’s filing history on Companies House.
If the form you are re-submitting is an SH01, make sure to check our guide on filling out an SH01.
3. Complete the ‘Presenter Information’ Section
4. Print and Submit the RP04
Print the RP04 form on A4 paper.
Send it along with the corrected filing to Companies House.
5. Companies House Address
The original incorrect filing will not be removed but will be annotated to show that a second filing has been submitted.
The corrected second filing will then be uploaded to the register as a separate entry, although this may take a few weeks to display.
For further assistance, it is always best to contact Companies House directly.
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