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Knowledge Base: SH01 Form

Last updated
4th February 2025

This guide includes:

What is an SH01 form?

The SH01 form, or "Return of Allotment of Shares", is a legal document that UK companies must submit to Companies House whenever they issue new shares.

When would I need to file an SH01?

You need to file an SH01 form with Companies House every time you issue new shares, such as during a funding round or when granting equity to co-founders, or if there's any change to the issued share capital of the company (e.g., issuing more shares of a particular class). However, if you're dealing with share options, an SH01 is not required.

How to File SH01?

Where to submit?

Once completed, you can submit the form online or by post.

To file your SH01 online, follow this link.

To file by post, follow this link.

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